Saturday, May 14, 2011

Root Canals and Sedation Dentistry in Portland Maine

Root canals can be very scary sounding. In fact, a common phrase we use when dealing with a tough situation is that, “I’d rather have a root canal than.....”  The thought of root canals pretty much scare everyone. Well who wouldn’t be scared? Especially when people often relate “root canal” as something that is very painful and unbearable. This is probably one of the reasons why a lot of local people do not have any positive feelings towards their local Portland Maine dentists.
But the fact is, “root canal” or properly called as endodontic therapy, is a relatively safe procedure, when done correctly by a qualified Portland Maine cosmetic dentist. This means that patients won’t feel any pain at all during the procedure. Your local Portland, Maine cosmetic dentist is trained and qualified to perform such procedures, while ensuring that you feel comfortable and safe.

Also find out if your local Portland, Maine cosmetic dentist is experienced in sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry can make a root canal seem like an afternoon off from work. You will be so relaxed and comfortable that you won’t remember the procedure, and will feel as if you just sat down in the dental chair, when you are told the procedure is complete. If you need a root canal, ask your local cosmetic dentist if he specializes in sedation dentistry.

Purpose of a root canal
Root canal therapy is done to save and repair a badly decayed or infected tooth.  In this procedure, the nerve tissues and pulp are removed, while the insides of the tooth are cleaned, decontaminated, and then sealed afterwards by dental cement and by gutta percha, which is non-elastic latex. The type of inert material to seal the inside of the teeth may depend on the preference of your cosmetic dentist.

The pulp chamber is the soft and hollow part of the inside of a tooth, in which nerve tissues are present. When your tooth is damaged or decayed, bacteria may get inside the pulp and cause inflammation to the nerve tissues, which can be very painful and uncomfortable. Furthermore, if left unchecked and untreated, it may also cause infection to the surrounding tissues, causing abscess.  This can cause a whole lot of problems and may need serious treatment. 

Root Canal- the procedure
The root canal procedure may be performed by a local Portland Maine dentist or endodentist.  It’s important to find a local dentist that specializes in the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of diseases affecting the pulp and nerve tissues. Make sure your local dentist explains everything to you, in advance, so you won’t worry about the root canal procedure.

A root canal has been misunderstood and feared for years. Local Portland, Maine cosmetic dentists are doing their best to educate their patients that a root canal is nothing to be feared, if you need one. Go for regular check ups to see your Portland, Maine cosmetic dentist, and then you may not need a root canal, if your do the preventative maintenance. If you do need a root canal, don't fear it, make an appointment with your local Portland, Maine cosmetic dentist, at Morgan Dental Care and he'll take care of it for you.

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