Cosmetic dentistry has made it possible for dental procedures to be painless!
Painless dental procedures are made possible because in laser dentistry nothing is cut or incised, which means minimal or no blood is lost and no pain felt during the procedure.
The energy that is produced by the laser helps in clotting, too. It basically closes up any exposed blood vessels quickly. Another is that the heat also has a role in sterilizing the area where the laser is to be focused on. Thus, it also helps in cleansing your mouth and minimizing infections.
Pretty cool, huh? Saves us from a lot of anxiety we feel every time we go see our Portland Maine dentist, Dr. Ted Morgan Whitening teeth doesn’t have to be painful anymore. You can actually smile nowadays with better teeth without the dreadful memory of your dentist with that big needle syringe full of anaesthesia. Only the brave and really good actors can fathom that!
Aside from teeth whitening there are other dental procedures that utilize laser dentistry, these are:
- TMJ (temporo-manidular joint) treatment
- Cold sore treatment
- Cavity removals
- Tooth sensitivity treatment
- Gum remodelling
A healthy oral cavity and better teeth doesn’t have to be painful anymore. You deserve a good smile, in Portland Maine, with good memories of you and your dentist’s appointment.
For more inquiries about laser dentistry, it would be best for you to consult your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist.
ReplyDeleteGood Information about Dental Health.Cosmetic Dentistry to help improve teeth structure, whitening your teeth.
Cosmetic Dental