Friday, April 29, 2011

Porcelain Veneers-You, in Portland Maine, can have a Smile just like a Commercial Model!

Once in your life, did you ever dream that you would be seen in TV?  Also, you do somehow feel a little bit envious to commercial models that seem to have perfect smiles and teeth?

Well., you don't have to feel that way anymore.  Because with the latest science of cosmetic dental bonding, you'll be able to smile just like any commercial model, and you don't even have to leave the Portland Maine area.  You can now achieve this with the help of PORCELAIN VENEERS.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are cosmetically designed shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front side of the teeth to provide a natural-like appearance to your teeth. The sheets are made up of thin and laminated porcelain.  When bonded to a tooth, it contributes to a more beautiful and improved look, and also, enables you to have a more wonderful smile.

What are porcelain veneers used for?

Porcelain veneers are the dental method of choice for a wide variety of problems with your teeth.  No longer will you ashamed of how you look and smile, because with these dental veneers, you can have a smile that rivals any commercial model.

Problems that may be fixed with the use of porcelain veneers are: (1) chipped, jagged, or broken tooth, (2) misaligned or asymmetrical teeth, (3) stained teeth, (4) worn-out enamel, or (5) gaps or spaces in your teeth.

However, you must first visit your local Portland Maine cosmetic dentist to determine whether you are a candidate for porcelain veneers. They will be able to check the condition of your gum and teeth, assessing if you need dental veneers or not. If you are not eligible for such, they can always advise you with other dental alternatives.

You can always ask your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist about porcelain veneers.  They are always willing to be of service. And also, they can help make you feel better inside, and make you look wonderful outside.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stop Running Away from Your Dentist! (Sedation Dentistry in Portland Maine)

If you have been steering clear off of the Portland Maine dentist’s office and avoiding every dentist who knows you all because of your low tolerance of pain and dental phobia then you’re in for a treat!

You can finally forget all this dodging and ducking games with the dental authorities and finally have your teeth checked.

Any dental procedure will be finally easy peasy and anxiety free because sedation dentistry is now commonplace in Portland Maine dental clinics.

It doesn’t hurt too that the DOCS or lengthily known as the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation (yes the dental sedation police!) requires every dentist to help and assist all their patients to have a comfortable and safe dental procedure.

In other words, you are in good hands whenever you are in need to go through a supposedly painful dental procedure. This is the best time to have your teeth checked and have something done with it if it isn’t perfect enough.

With all those cancelled appointments nobody will be surprised to know if you have a lot of teeth decay.

Fear is forgivable back then but not anymore with the present day situation. There is nothing to fear but having a bad case of crooked teeth!

With sedation dentistry, there are generally three ways to administer sedatives to choose from: oral administration, intravenous (IV) or injection, and via inhalation. Depressants and anti-anxiety medications are generally given orally, while nitrous oxide or laughing gas is given via inhalation. Some procedures will require a sedative given intravenously. Sure it will sting at first but after that its pain free!

Sedation dentistry can have a soothing effect that a number of patients doze off like babies.

So stop running away from your Portland Maine dentist! Sedation dentistry is the answer to your fear. You owe this to your teeth and gums.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Smile, Enjoy food, and Live a Healthy Life: Get Dental Implants in Portland Maine

Unsure what to do with that empty space vacated by a lost tooth? Would it be okay to just leave it be and be on your life, in Portland Maine,  thinking nothing about it?

No, it would not be okay.  Let's talk about dental implants for your missing teeth.

Where would we be without dental implants in the 21st century? 
That empty space poses a lot of potential dental problems that will affect your health in its entirety. This empty space between your teeth where a tooth once was rooted may lead to the corrosion of bones that supports the gums which will then eventually have its influence on the position of your teeth. This then results to the irregularities of the position of your other teeth.

Other than ending up with a jagged smile, your way of eating or chewing is affected. This has an impact on a once pleasurable dining experience, whether eating a lobster or munching a burger, will become gastronomic awkwardness. Really, have you seen people with misaligned teeth enjoy their food?

Furthermore, lodged food in that empty space will cause tooth decay and gum disease. This is just one problem after another all because of an ignored dental problem.

Luckily, help is just around the corner. You can easily ask the cosmetic dentist near you about dentures, dental implants, and dental bridges.

Among these three, dental implants in Portland Maine are the most reliable but can be a little pricy. But then again, that price tag comes with a lot of benefits. You never have to be bothered taking them off your mouth like a denture because they are actually screwed securely in your gums and bone.

A dental implant is a replica of a tooth with a root. The “root” is a screw made out of titanium and a crown is attached to it for the toothy appearance. This is then implanted on the vacated space and voila! Impending problems no more! Just don’t forget to brush your teeth regularly.

So stop ignoring and prevent that tiny problem from exploding! Visit your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist now!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Face the Future with a Real Smile: Laser Dentistry in Portland Maine

If you are the type of person, in Portland Maine,  who has low tolerance for pain and you badly needed to have something done in your teeth then fear no more!

Cosmetic dentistry has made it possible for dental procedures to be painless!

Painless dental procedures are made possible because in laser dentistry nothing is cut or incised, which means minimal or no blood is lost and no pain felt during the procedure.

The energy that is produced by the laser helps in clotting, too. It basically closes up any exposed blood vessels quickly. Another is that the heat also has a role in sterilizing the area where the laser is to be focused on. Thus, it also helps in cleansing your mouth and minimizing infections.

Pretty cool, huh? Saves us from a lot of anxiety we feel every time we go see our Portland Maine dentist, Dr. Ted Morgan Whitening teeth doesn’t have to be painful anymore. You can actually smile nowadays with better teeth without the dreadful memory of your dentist with that big needle syringe full of anaesthesia. Only the brave and really good actors can fathom that!

Aside from teeth whitening there are other dental procedures that utilize laser dentistry, these are:
-              TMJ (temporo-manidular joint) treatment
-              Cold sore treatment
-              Cavity removals
-              Tooth sensitivity treatment
-              Gum remodelling

A healthy oral cavity and better teeth doesn’t have to be painful anymore. You deserve a good smile, in Portland Maine, with good memories of you and your dentist’s appointment.

For more inquiries about laser dentistry, it would be best for you to consult your Portland Maine cosmetic dentist.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welcome to our new Portland Maine cosmetic dental blog!

We are excited to be offering this cosmetic dental blog. We will be discussing cosmetic dental procedures and cosmetic dentists in the Portland and Gorham, Maine area.
We will be discussing topics such as:
  • Laser teeth whitening
  • Dental veneers
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures
  • Invisalign
  • Sedation dentistry
  • Six Month Smiles

Check back regularly for more information on Portland Maine cosmetic dentistry.